The importance of physical activity in children.

Instill children with regular physical activity from a very young age, not only favors their physical and cognitive development, but it brings them other important benefits in the short, medium and long term.
The trend in childhood and adolescence is a sedentary life, because if we add the class hours, sleep, television or playing video games would be much more hours that children are in a state of inactivity.
A physically active lifestyle in childhood is a good way to prevent certain chronic diseases that are very common in adulthood., like obesity, the hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, musculoskeletal problems and mental health problems.
From a very young age we can promote activities according to their age, for example:
- In infants Babies' freedom of movement is essential so that they can acquire the necessary psychomotor skills.
Some exercises can be: games on the ground or in the water. Arm and leg movements, look for and pick up objects, turn the head, to throw, pushing and playing with other people, kick, gatear, stand, crawl and ride.
- In preschool (until 5 years) children begin to become more independent, will begin to explore their environment.
Example of activities: Walk, cycle, swing, to run, games, jumping and water activities.
- In schoolchildren and teenagers It is a stage where we can acquire the habit of carrying out activities that benefit both physical and mental health such as: walking the dog, home, climb, skate, climbing stairs, school sports and specific activities: Martial Arts, Athletics, basketball, soccer, gymnastics, handball, hockey, swimming, skating, tennis, volley, fitness, rugby, etc.
For all these changes, family involvement and the change of habits are essential also in parents, who should set an example with an active lifestyle.