Being bilingual develops higher levels of cognitive control According to experiments carried out by Kovács (et al., 2009) seven-month-old babies born in a bilingual home, unlike monolingual babies, learned to suppress a previously learned response. What's more, They updated their predictions according to the new conditions […]
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The children of today, they are a totally different generation than ours, they are little ones who were born with technology under their arms, they grow making it part of their environment, which has undoubtedly generated controversies even in young parents, because it is about finding the perfect balance between using it […]
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We live in an indisputably globalized world, in our country there are people who come from other parts of the world, who share with us their ideologies and cultures, Without going too far into history, from the moment of the conquest, people with different beliefs came to our country, creating cultural roots that […]
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