Educate with the truth

Honesty is one of the most important values in life; educate with the truth, helps you open doors wherever you go, It is about that little grain of sand that since childhood we must cultivate, then, is the key to going straight through life and making a real change.
At election time every citizen thinks of those corrupt candidates, in those who became presidents and did not keep their promises, his word, my grandmother used to say that “the most valuable thing a human being has is his honor, a person without honor is worth nothing”, and it is not that they are not worth being human beings but that the truth is a value that cannot be obtained in the store or with all the money in the world. Before thinking about others keeping their promises, it is necessary to introspect ourselves to see if we are really capable of giving what we demand., if we give in the same way and really keep the promises or covenants. We don't need to have the perfect government to change ourselves..
Children of all ages use lies, some in a much more credible way and they teach themselves to lie not more but better, tricking us with little things like they've picked up his room, how to blame the other for one's mischief, in order to get what they want.
With lies you can have certain benefits that by telling the truth save them a reprimand, a punishment or getting to have things that if they had been honest they would not have like a dessert or watch more time on television. They see it in an easy way, and they do not realize that in the long run more than benefits it can get them into serious problems from which they find it difficult to get out.
I have always said that parents, we are that because we were born before the children, no matter how ridiculous it seems, but they have given us the experience they lack, and if it is true that they can fool us a couple of times, The negative consequence in this regard will be that when they are discovered, they will live with the burden that parents will suspect them more frequently, being victims of our mistrust..
In school education, the value of truth is already more necessary because it can affect teachers and classmates, the truth as ugly as it is is the only one that exists, many times lies bring greater consequences and scolding than having told the truth because lying defrauds trust and deteriorates human relationships.
Children lie mainly because of the social pressure they may face, for wanting to be equal to others, by competition, by acceptance, because of fear, and what we should make them think about is that, This truth, no matter how bad it may seem, is not the easy path, it is not the solution, and the people and the very society that it tries to deceive will be its harshest judge in the future., because a father can forgive a lie but other people cannot, and it will be a stain, a label that will accompany you all your life: the "liar", and what they think of him who is not a trustworthy person.
A common saying that has passed from generation to generation is that of the famous "Peter and the Wolf" which is about a boy who recurrently lied that the wolf would come to attack the town, scaring the inhabitants, in order to draw attention, but… what happens when the wolf really gets close? That no matter how much he warns no one believes him because before everyone Pedro is a liar, What makes us think that this time it would be different?? Anything, because many times he swore and swore that he was telling the truth and then he caused a tragedy. It is true that EVERYONE without exception has told a lie, "pious" little girl and it's okay to be wrong but it's up to us to grab the COURAGE and strength to tell the truth and avoid lies, because these are like a snowball that, becomes larger, more uncontrollable each time and ends up drowning in them.
The best thing we can do is teach children all the consequences that a lie can bring., but we must remember that we are the truth for our children and they learn from our example, so it is better to preach with what we teach them, to create congruence in children, lying works to hide something, and the worst thing we can do is tell a lie and use them as accomplices to support our alibi, Well, it can become a habit and if the child learns to lie, what right are you going to claim?? how do you go about correcting that damage?
The so-called white lies that are used in society as the "excuses" for not going somewhere seem to be unimportant, but the consequences with relatives, friends and acquaintances who may come later often have no reversal. Lies, once they become a habit, can become a pathological problem..
Children as adults tend to lie, some more frequently making lying part of their daily life, It is a normal behavior to a certain extent but we should not allow it for this. But what are the main reasons that move them to lie?
- Very young children on a fantasy level tend to lie with magical things as part of their play, which becomes part of the fiction of it, it is not about intentional lies with a particular purpose but with unreal characters that are part of their own imagination, We should not be so alarmed but we should be aware of any situation that exceeds normal.
- the intentional lies, are done to avoid punishment and obtain benefits, They are usually also normal and natural at first, but that is not why they should be overlooked and let them continue as part of your daily life..
- If things start to get out of control, other more dangerous types can come, which are those that hide some reality that they do not like., and they invent another one to feel better, as lies about trips and vacations and even the job of their parents, your financial situation, etc.
To avoid lies as much as possible we give you some useful tips:
- EVITA tell lies, do not make them part of your lies, in things as simple as answering a call and saying that we are not, that we are sick, etc because the double message that I came with this is to justify these cases and teach them that lying is the most natural thing in the world.
- Try to REINFORCE the attitude of sincerity, even if they have earned a reprimand emphasize that it is better to tell the truth, make them feel valued with it so that they lose the fear of being sincere and be able to cultivate the value of honesty.
- Never unmask a lie in front of people, talk privately with them and let them know the need to grow the habit of honesty in their lives.
One way to instill honesty in them is to follow through on what we say, to your benefit or not, for example, if they have not fulfilled their duties and deserve a punishment, fulfill it, with all the pain in your heart but, it is the only way they will also take seriously the consequences of their actions, as well as if you promised a reward for grades or help with their homework, fulfill it to the best of your ability, Well, that way they will know that they can believe in you because you have earned their trust..