The development of our students is inspired by the figure of Thomas Alva Edison, seeking to train autonomous individuals, autodidactas, entrepreneurs, productive, workers, active and ethically committed to society.
Edison did not train alone. He was immersed in a loving and stimulating environment that allowed his development on a scale of genius.. Nevertheless, the school of his time did not provide this environment which was what he needed to unfold his potential. In fact, in his formal school he was rejected as "unfit". It was his mother who raised him at home.
Edison's mother (Nancy Elliot Edison), without being an educator, and without being aware of what he was creating, taught him mainly the taste for learning. With a loving deal, warm and empathetic, that made learning an enjoyable experience, and above all believing in him and his ability even though he was wrong, he was transmitting some knowledge, and encouraged him to acquire more for himself. His mother found her strengths, and challenged him to unfold them more. Seeing that he liked to experiment, allowed and supported him in having a small laboratory. This is how liking developed, and still the desire to learn more (In the words of Edison himself: Learning is the greatest pleasure in life), the search for creative solutions, being kind and empathetic, the culture of effort and maintaining a positive mindset in the face of adversity.
All these skills allowed him throughout his life to develop enormous potential, that made him the greatest inventor in history. He used to say: "My mother is who made what I am" (My mother was the making of me!”).
Edison was not just a theoretical inventor, but he was also a businessman with great humanity and sensitivity, who managed to turn his inventions into practical applications that would solve many problems of his time, and generated a business and work culture that subsists to this day (Edison Electric became General Electric). He also brought these characteristics into his personal life, forming a solid family, where these values were inherited.
Among his inventions is the phonograph, cinematographer, alkaline batteries, incandescent light, and many others, reaching more than 1,000 inventions with patent registration.
They also developed in their values and virtues, which later allowed him to lead a flat and meaningful life. One of those values, which became a distinctive feature of Edison, was promoting a positive attitude at all times, and not be discouraged by difficulties. That courage later led him to try with great tenacity and persistence, until you find the solution to the problems that arose.
He used to say: "My mother is who made what I am" (My mother was the making of me!”), saying that she had put those seeds that had made it possible to get everything else. Taking these elements with love is that we developed the TAE system, with which our teachers are trained, and we use to prepare our students, with great results.