16 the February the 2022

Importance of discipline in children


Without a doubt, be dad, it is a radical and very important change, It is totally true that children do not come with a manual and that each mother, each child and each family have different needs, and there are things that apply differently for each environment. The first year of life of the baby is a stage in which it is learned, you grow and overcome difficulties of course. They are stages each beautiful, with different challenges and very different even between one child and another even though the mother is the same, Well, it can be seen from the first step, the autonomy, discovery and adaptation period.

The subject of discipline is, certainly one debated, where many ways of thinking are confronted, Nevertheless, when we hear this word the first thing that comes to mind is… a NO, however the NO, it is not a guarantee of discipline in all cases, you have to have limits to use it in a consistent way and without abuse, so that it can take on the true meaning and not just a repression for something that has to do with a child's taste or behavior.

Importance of discipline in children

Child psychologist Luisa María Ferrerós who is the author of the book “Castigado” comments on important guidelines for parents, how when and how discipline and limits can be applied to children. Discipline focuses first on omitting any situation that puts the safety or health of the child at risk, because discipline must be instilled in more marked ways from the first year of life, Well, the limits of what you can do or not, They are mainly based on being autonomous and not so much that you lose your fear but that you begin to learn about risky situations, but not only to impose the NO but to explain why you DO NOT touch or DO NOT do.

NO must always carry a serious attitude, firm and without pattern to jokes on the part of the adult because if it is not done in this way, a double message may be sent to the child, and with the time, will not know how to distinguish what is serious from what is a joke or something not important. Well, within the first years, if the child does NOT stop considering himself as something serious, the child may believe that it is a game, there may be a time when, the situation itself, get funny, but as an adult one must learn to control oneself even if later you die of laughter.

The NO should then be interpreted as an order to stop doing what you are doing at that moment., that is to say contrary, it may happen that the child challenges you, to continue with their behavior despite the NO, but, part of discipline is precisely the firmness of keeping the order in place, so he will know that whatever he does or says what a NO says is contrary, immovable and firm.

The children, they are very smart, they will constantly test the limits of their parents, However, just as they know the strengths and weaknesses, per se, with firmness and constancy (EYE this does not mean punishment, reprimand or mistreatment) can quickly learn the limits of what to do, may or may not do.

There are non-verbal factors that influence the credibility of a NO, like body posture, tone of voice, a fixed look, the especially firm attitude is what makes the difference about the application of limits in a child.

A child who does not learn limits on time, grows unaware of the consequences of their actions, and may lose track of what is correct and what is not, taking increasing risks.

Without a doubt, the safety of parents when setting limits is crucial, and the solid foundations that are created in the environment are synonymous with discipline. For the kids, parents are the example, the truth and the being they trust the most, they believe what we tell them and that our behavior is the best at least before adolescence that they take their own criteria, then if as parents you reflect trust and security it will be much easier for the child to understand the message correctly.

For a child to understand discipline and limits, they must be very clear that, parents are the ones who manage the house rules, Well, if it turns in the opposite way, there will surely be chaos and a conflict with the authority in the short term and during the adult stage of today's child.

The child within the discipline must know what is allowed and what is not, that's why in education, routines, values ​​parents should stand firm, but all based on respect and love as a tool, the criterion and make him reason why, and not only the imposition of NO.

As crazy as it may seem, limits, discipline, routine make children happy, an undisciplined child is unhappy, because he lives tied up and in the prison of his bad habits and it is undoubtedly a mistake that as adults it is much more difficult to face, detect and correct.

Surely NO is the most popular word in the house, Nevertheless, NO is directly linked to safety and risk prevention issues, so the idea is to create a dignified environment free of danger. Discipline, unlike imposition, consists of explaining to the child but it must be taken into account that the explanation must be quick and precise, because in explanations that are too long the child may lose interest and intention of what you are explaining.

Parents must be persistent, and control your emotions when applying limits and discipline with good hygiene habits, of school, of the house, of exercise, of a dream that in order to have greater credibility and results, it must be applied by the whole family… you should always lead by example, in this way children get used to limits and will see them as a normal part of their daily lives.


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