19 de January de 2018

Educating in values ​​never goes out of style


First of all, we must define what values ​​are and why they are of great importance. Values ​​are social elements that form patterns of behavior individually and socially to preserve the identity and belonging of a person, based on basic principles for coexistence in harmony with society.

The values ​​themselves, describe what is useful, and desirable and acceptable to each person in their social environment. Traditional values ​​depend not only on the family where they are raised, his environment of friends and school, even the country of residence has its culture, their traditions and beliefs that form their own identity, sociological context that allows in turn to express, symbolize and value participation within a social environment.

Moral values

Refering to ethic refer to a philosophical discipline that defines the righteousness of man's behavior in society, justified with principles and rules that are responsible for regulating it, defining and separating what is acceptable from what is not, putting it into practice on a daily basis, making together the morality of each act performed by the individual.

Speaking of another important value like Solidarity It is a principle that is instilled or acquired mainly in the family environment and reinforced at school, It is decisive to facilitate the adaptation of the person with different social groups that make up the environment where they live. It consists of understanding, the empathy of the same towards situations alien to the one that involve problems or situations difficult for the other to handle, supporting or joining their cause.

The generosity more than a value it is a virtue, that feeds the nobility of the soul and spirit with feelings and social sensitivity, is externalized through attitudes of detachment, charity and give unconditionally to others, share what you have, not precisely in a monetary way but with actions and consideration for the other.

Being cooperative or affected, it is also an attitude that is part of moral values, it is about the integration of people working together to achieve a common good, organizing themselves equally to ensure the success of a goal.

educate with values, as solidarity, generosity, honesty and respect.

The honesty It seems to me that it is one of the most important moral or social values ​​that can be, an honest person opens the doors of the world, of people, of society and of any group or environment where it develops, being honest is the key to trust, when there is trust, the way to give back is with honesty in what is said, consistent with what is done, refers to the quality of authenticity, justice and truth. My dad said that, honesty is the shield that would always protect me, and he was right! When you are honest and educate in truth and consistency, ethics and knowing how to distinguish good from evil and the limits that separate them, life is easier. How to educate a child in truth and justice? From home with activities as simple as, tell the truth no matter how ugly it may seem “Who ate that sweet?”And that the child tells the truth knowing the good and bad consequences that this can bring, teaches you to practice another value which is responsibility, at the same time, will be able to identify in the future that being honest is not only telling the truth but, for example, If a person in front of you in the row of tortillas drops a bill, what would be the right thing to do?? Notify you and return the ticket… that won? Perhaps financially nothing but to enlarge the soul knowing that you acted correctly and making faith of the learned values. Being honest is rewarded with a clean line for life.

I respect is another of the keys to healthy social coexistence, familiar, labor, school, it is a value together with the honesty of the most important to put into practice, but what is respect? It is not the same as the indifference I clarify, It's not that I don't care about the rest of the people, respect grows on ethics, in any of its branches, respect begins with courteous treatment, kind, empathic with other people, respect is the fundamental basis, main and priority in dealing with and relationships with people, respect integrity, the likes, beliefs, philosophies, limits, it is about not exceeding the limits allowed by the other person, not to talk about what is unknown, to always think about the integrity of the other, and to maintain a distance in situations that are totally foreign to us, such as the decisions of third parties.

The responsability it is a value that has to do directly with the conscience of each person, to know that the actions, good, acceptable or not, have a consequence as the case may be, responsibility is freedom, is to do not what you want but what you must: to work, to study, do homework, clean the room, etc, They are acts aimed at managing each action with its corresponding action but always on the moral plane.

Tolerance , unlike diplomacy which is education and cordiality in dealing even tense with some people, tolerance resides in the person's ability to listen, and accept other people, with defects, traditions, virtues and cultures, even when they have different ways of thinking, maybe with which one does not agree, giving a position in life, allowing to live harmoniously with other different people knowing how to get the best and the benefit that can even enrich the life of another by learning something new.

Besides, the trust, the honor, Commitment are values ​​that open functional channels in life and in which human rights and universal values ​​are considered, that protect the dignity and freedom of people.

Growing and educating in values ​​is, how to plant a tree, is to feed the spirit of children, young people and even adults to see the result of walking with dignity grow and do our bit to leave a better world for those who come.


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